Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I have some questions...

1. How do people find me on here?

2. How do I search for people?

3. Can I move a domain name over here if I'm already paying for it?

4. Where can I get a layout other than the templates on here?

5. How come I'm not notified when someone comments on a blog?

Thanks in advance!


ShellyH said...

I found you by searching through blogs under particular profile keyword searches, does that help? I got a blogger template that I purchased from a gal named Lara, I think its an awesome template!

Rhonda said...

You can certainly change things around. I have found that by searching on Blogger, they have all kinds of help available.

As for the template, just google Blogger Template and you will find a few good ones. Remember, anything you put out is subject to obnoxious "cookies" attached to your every move on your site.

The domain name can be brought over, and that information is also available in your dashboard info. Try going into your settings and see how you can change it to a name you like.

Also... google "the cutest blog on the block". I think she had several nice options that was easy and clear to follow.

Good Luck.

Tracy said...

Hi , lol i found you right now from reading JD's Soapbox. He has you under blogs he reads.

You can search for people under blogger search or under google.

Under settings you have a place that you click off that all comments are sent to your email.

I hope you have a blessed day!

Ohhh another way people can come to your blog is if you click on your name when you comment on someones blog. Your blog will appear then.

Nice blog!


Rhonda said...

hey there, I miss reading an update. you coming back?